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Agreement Reached Between Netanyahu and Arab MKs On Integration Plan For Israeli-Arabs

By Jonathan Benedek

Prime Minister Netanyahu convened a meeting on Monday, August 31  aimed at finding solutions to help integrate and improve the Arab-Israeli sector, with Joint Arab List Chairman MK Ayman Udah, MK Dr. Ahmed Tibi, MK Jamal Zahalka MK Masud Ganaim and with Arab Local Councils Forum Chairman Mazan Ganaim.

An agreement was reached at the meeting that an additional NIS 900 million of budgetary supplements would be given to Arab local councils. A multi-year structural plan for the economic and societal integration of Arab Israelis was agreed upon as well that will include the implementation of a cooperation mechanism with the Union of Local Authorities and Arab sector local councils.

“I am the Prime Minister of all citizens of Israel,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “The assistance plan that we decided on today is a significant rectification and an additional step designed to integrate the Arab citizens of Israel into Israeli society as equals among equals.”

Among the NIS 900 million in budgetary supplements, there will be an increase this year of NIS 150 million for the current budget of Arab sector local councils. NIS 100 million will be added to their developmental budges in both 2017 and 2018.

Additionally, NIS 135 million will be provided for the development of informal education in Arab councils as well as community centers, nature centers and youth movements. There will also be a supplement of NIS 150 million for the advancement of personal security provided by police as well as for the reduction of crime.

Meanwhile, Opposition MK Avigdor Liberman strongly criticized Netanyahu for making the agreement with the Arab Members of Knesset. “Netanyahu’s decision to give Ayman Odeh and his anti-Zionist partners an accomplishment in the form of an announcement after a meeting with them to transfer 900 million shekels to the Arab municipalities, is a shot in the foot of the Zionist state,” argued Liberman.

“Rather than strengthening the moderate elements among Israeli Arabs, the prime minister reinforces the most extreme who are a fifth column in Israel’s Knesset.”

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