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13 UN Ambassadors in Israel to Learn of ‘Historical and Eternal Connection’ to Jerusalem

Photo by Israeli Delegation to UN on 24 May, 2022

By TPS • 25 May, 2022

Jerusalem, 25 May, 2022 (TPS) — Thirteen United Nations (UN) Ambassadors and their spouses arrived in Israel on Tuesday to participate in a special delegation led by Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan, together with the UJA – Federation of New York.

The ambassadors from Benin, Burundi, the Czech Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Malawi, Mexico, Panama, Poland, Slovakia, Tanzania and Uzbekistan are taking part. Mexico is currently a member of the UN Security Council, and Israel is deepening its bilateral cooperation with El Salvador, Panama, and Tanzania.

“While our enemies at the UN try to discredit Israel and sever the historical connection with our capital Jerusalem, we will bring the Ambassadors to see up close the historical and eternal connection to our capital and the strenuous activities Israel undertakes to preserve religious freedom for all religions,” Erdan stated, expressing confidence that “after the trip, the ambassadors will have a deeper understanding of the Israeli reality and the many capabilities we have that can help many people around the world.”

During their week in Israel, the ambassadors will tour historical sites such as the Kotel (Western Wall), the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old City and the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, high-tech and innovation centers such as Startup Nation Central and the Sorek Seawater Desalination Plant, and cultural centers.

The delegation will also tour military sites including the Northern and Southern Commands and a Hezbollah terror tunnel dug under the border with Lebanon.

Meetings with the President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, military and security officials, civil society, and heads of local authorities living on the borders of Lebanon and Gaza where their residents are subject to the threat of rocket fire from terror groups are also on the schedule.

Eric Goldstein, CEO of UJA – Federation of New York, explained that “seeing firsthand the State of Israel, visiting the sites of its rich history, and meeting the citizens who represent its cultural and religious diversity is the best form of education about the beauty and complexity of the State of Israel.”

“In addition to showcasing the miracle that is the Jewish state, trips like these forge longstanding bonds that better our global community – very much needed in our time,” he added.

Several such trips occur annually.

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