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Security Forces Continue Search For Barkan Shooter

Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS on 17 December, 2016

Security Forces Continue Search For Barkan Shooter


By Yona Schnitzer/TPS • 8 October, 2018



Security forces continued to search overnight for Asraf Nalawah, the 24-year-old Palestinian who murdered two Israelis and injured a third in Sunday morning’s terror attack in the Barkan industrial Zone outside of Ariel in Samaria. The searches are  focused on the area around the Palestinian city of Nablus, some 15 kilometers north of Barkan.

Security forces apprehended and questioned Nalawah’s brother and sister, also searching and mapping his family home in the village of Shweikeh, near Tulkarem.

Nalawah, who was employed as an electrician at the Alon Metal factory where the shooting took place, shot dead, Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel (29) and Ziv Hajbi (35). A third person suffered moderate gunshot wounds in the incident.

Levengrond-Yehezkel’s funeral was held on Sunday night, she was survived by her husband and two year-old son. Hajbi will be brought to rest on Monday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and three kids.

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