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1,900-Year-Old Hiding Complex from Bar Kochba Revolt Discovered in Galilee Excavation

Photo by Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority on 18 March, 2024

By Pesach Benson • 18 March, 2024


Jerusalem, 18 March, 2024 (TPS) — Archaeologists unearthed a nearly 1,900-year-old hiding complex near the Sea of Galilee, shedding light on the tumultuous period of the Bar Kochba Revolt, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Monday.

The excavation, at Huqoq near the Sea of Galilee, revealed the most extensive hiding complex ever discovered in the region, showcasing dramatic episodes from Jewish history.

“The hiding complex provides a glance on a tough period of the Jewish population in Huqoq and in the Galilee in general,” said excavation directors Uri Berger of the Israel Antiquities Authority and Prof. Yinon Shivtiel of the Zefat Academic College.

“However, the story that the site tells is also an optimistic story of an ancient Jewish town that managed to survive historical tribulations,” they said. “It is a story of residents who, even after losing their freedom, and after many hard years of revolts, came out of the hiding complex, and established a thriving village, with one of the most impressive synagogues at the area.”

At the heart of the discovery lies a converted water cistern from the Second Temple period, repurposed into a complex system of hiding spaces. In times of danger, residents ingeniously utilized the mikvah, or ritual bath, breaking down walls to create escape routes through interconnected tunnels. The labyrinthine design, with tunnels intersecting at 90-degree angles, reflects a deliberate effort to confound and evade pursuit by heavily armed Roman forces.

Among the artifacts unearthed are hundreds of broken clay and glass dishes, hinting at the daily lives of the inhabitants, alongside an impressive ring setting for a precious stone, although the stone itself remains elusive.

Hundreds of participants including school and university students, local residents, soldiers, and volunteers, uncovered a network of underground tunnels and hiding cavities.

“We turned the excavation in the hiding complex into a community excavation as part of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s vision of connecting the public to its heritage,” says Dr. Einat Ambar-Armon, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority Archeological-Educational Center in the Northern Region.

The Bar Kochba revolt was a major Jewish uprising against Roman rule in the ancient province of Judea, which took place in the years 132-136 CE. It was named after Simon bar Kochba, the charismatic leader of the revolt.

Huqoq, known as a Jewish town dating back to the Early Roman period, holds significant historical importance. References in the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds mention prominent sages from the area, underscoring its cultural and religious significance. Nearby, a synagogue adorned with striking mosaics dating to the Byzantine period further enriches the historical tapestry of the region.

The discovery of the hiding complex also reignites scholarly debate regarding the extent of the Bar Kokhba Revolt’s reach. While some argue for a localized uprising, the presence of such elaborate defensive structures in the Galilee suggests a broader conflict. Future excavations hold the promise of further unraveling this historical enigma.

Plans are underway to develop the Huqoq site into a unique archaeological tourism destination to showcase the site’s significance to visitors from around the world.

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