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With sadness we inform you of
the passing of

Mr. Chaim Katzir
Chaim Ben Zilpah, of blessed memory

The funeral will be today, Wednesday, Jan. 1,

at 2:00 pm
Mount Olive Memorial Park
7231 East Slauson Ave.
Commerce, CA 90040
Click here for directions. 
Shiva will be observed at the Katzir family residence
1710 S Crest
Shacharis 7:30 am Mincha 4:50 pm
The family requests that there be no visitors during the hours of
1:00pm and 4:00pm, 6:00pm and 7:00pm and after 9:30pm.


May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.
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