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We regret to inform you of the passing of Bill Belzberg, Z”L, beloved father of Kendra Altman.

9 A.M., Friday, May 2, 2014
at Hillside Memorial Park
6001 West Centinela
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(800) 576-1994

Will be observed at Kendra’s home from Saturday night until Thursday morning.
Address: 2410 Guthrie Court
Los Angeles, CA 90034

MINYANIM as follows:
Shacharit on Sunday at 8 AM
Shacharit Monday-Thursday at 7 AM
Minha Sunday – Wednesday at 7:30 PM

Saturday night from when Shabbat ends
until 10:30 PM
No visitations please during the hours of
12-2 PM, 5-7 PM, and after 9:30 PM

May the Almighty comfort the bereaved family along with all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

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