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5th Annual Puah Los Angeles Brunch salutes LA Young Leadreship!

Puah Institute has been helping the Jewish community find solutions for family building since 1978, when the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born.  Guided by the late former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu z”tl and led by Rabbi Menachem Burstein, Puah Institute has helped forge the halachic path to fertility treatment for thousands of individuals and couple all over the world.

Today, 1 out of 6 couples face some type of infertility challenge.  These Fertility issues differ from other health difficulties.  Not only do they impact 2 people at once, but also, often, have halachic implications. The problem becomes even more complex due to the natural sensitive and emotional needs of couples yearning to build a family. By nature, family building is a private matter – leaving those in search of a solution in a quandary: How best to find help?

PUAH Institute responds to every referral and inquiry on an individual basis. Its primary objective is to provide counseling, and, when needed, to help the individual/couple navigate through the multiple options which are available. The scientific development of reproductive medicine has been significant in the past 20 years – and Puah has been helping couples all along find the best way to have the child of their dreams, al pi halacha. Genetic issues as well as fertility preservation are two areas where there have been major medical developments which benefit the community greatly.

Puah Institute is honored to facilitate a vital component of these services which will guarantee healthier babies and healthier families. For example, when a young adult is diagnosed with cancer, Puah is part of the team to help preserve the genetic material before treatment, and provide hope and possibility of generations to be born.

All these efforts will celebrate our 5th Annual West Coast Brunch, hosted by Rafi and Esther Katz on Sunday, August 11, 2013 at 10 AM. This year, PUAH Institute will salute the Young Leadership team who has helped support Puah’s efforts in building future generations:

Jonathan & Tzippora Coronel

David & Ahuva Goldstein

Ezra & Margot Grabie

Kenneth & Shoshy Klein

Racheli & Shua Lebovics

Simcha &  Karina Mann

Yaakov & Avigail Rosenblatt

Joshua & Rachel Tomaszewski

Elliot & Ahuva Deena Zemel

Rabbi Gideon Weitzman, director of PUAH Institute, is the guest speaker. He is available for private and free consultation whilst in Los Angeles, from Sunday August 11th until Tuesday August 13th.

For appointments, please call Lea Davidson 718.336.0603 or email

It is truly gratifying to know that our joint, seamless efforts and goodwill will result in the fulfillment of dreams and in the perpetuation of Am Yisrael.  We are confident that working together will enable PUAH to reach out, educate, alert and inform parents, physicians, rabbis, and the greater Jewish community about the ever growing opportunities of fertility treatment, and to do so according to Halacha and Jewish ethical teachings.

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