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It is with great sadness that we inform the community of the passing of Mr. Arnold Moskovits, Aharon Yehoshu Ben Meir Aryeh A”H, who passed away Shabbos morning. Beloved husband of Mrs. Ethel Moskovits
Beloved father of Mr. Zev Moskovits, Mrs. Debby Weiser, and Mrs. Elkie Hass, Beloved grandfather and great grandfather to many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The family will be sitting Shiva at the home of Mr. Moskovits at 414 N. Martel Ave.

Shacharis – 7:15 am, and Mincha – 6:50 pm

The family requests no visitors from 11:00 am till 3:00 pm
and no visitors after 9:30 pm.

The Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel on Har Hazeisim.
Leaving Shamgar on Tuesday September 9th, at 5pm.

Call (050)526-5899 for additional information in Israel.

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