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It is with much sadness that we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Sapochkinsky, the father of Rabbi Yitzchak Sapochkinsky. The senior Rabbi was a frequent guest in Wetslake over the past 3 decades and touched the lives of all those he encountered with his warmth, gentle and kind demeanor, piety, faith, Ahavas Yisroel and love and awe of G-d. He was the true embodiment of a Chasid. He devoted every minute of his life to G-d, Torah, the Jewish people and family.


Here is a note from Rabbi Yitzchak Sapochkinsky to the community.


Dear Friends;

 After an inspiring and beautiful evening which saw a minyan davening at his bedside followed by his family joining together in song for several hours my beloved father left us for a better world. My father always did everything in a very well-planned manner and in taking leave of us and knowing how difficult it would be for all of us, he allowed us to be here and to share some incredibly memorable moments together.

 At shalosh seudos in our home on his last visit to Westlake (for Yossi’s Bar Mitzvah back in June) my father recited from memory a chassidic mamaar (discourse) that he had said at his wedding 66 years ago. In his final hours, we sat at his bedside and studied that very same mammar.

 My father was a very practical man. He was not a spendthrift nor was he frugal. In his memory, I’m sure he would rather have friends do another mitzvah or contribute some tzedakah,over sending fruit baskets, chocolates or spending hundreds of dollars on plane tickets to come to Montreal. We hope to be announcing a very special, new initiative for our community in the next few days in his memory. We will keep you posted.

 Funeral arrangements and internment are being planned for this afternoon in Montreal.

 May we all share simchas and merit Moshiach now!

 Rabbi Yitzchak Sapochkinsky


PS – To reach me (after today) you can email me to or call my Google Voice # 805-203-0739.

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