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Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov  to Mr. and Mrs. Ahuvah Dinah (Kaplan) and Shlomo Gurwitz

on the birth (November 1st, 2014) of Hadassah Miriam Gurwitz.

Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr.  & Mrs. Beinish & Peggy Kaplan and Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Gurwitz (Monsey).

Mazel Tov to the great grandmother, Mrs. Hedy Kaufler and to the great grandfather, Mr. Charles Linz.

Mazel tov to the extended Kaplan, Kaufler, Feinstein, Gurwitz, Unger, Heimowitz and Greenberg families.

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Aliza (Tessler) and Mordechai Elazar Kaplan, Esq. on the birth (November 2nd, 2014) of Chaya Sarah.

Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr.  & Mrs. Beinish & Peggy Kaplan and Mr.  & Dr. Mordechai & Chani Tessler (Chicago).

Mazel Tov to the great grandmother, Mrs. Hedy Kaufler and to the great grandparents, Mr. Naftoli Tessler (Chicago) and Mr & Mrs Sol Friedman (Miami).

Mazel tov to the extended Kaplan, Kaufler, Feinstein, Tessler, Unger, Heimowitz, Greenberg and Gurwitz families.

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