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With sadness we announce the passing of
Mrs. Bobette Kamins
Rochel bas Reb Yitzchak of blessed memory
Mother of Mrs. Gina Liszovics
Tuesday, June 2nd at 3pmHillside Memorial – Gan Eden Section
6001 W. Centinela Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90045


Shiva Visits

In the Liszovics home,
8866 Alcott, #PH2

Dial #4367 on the keypad to get in the front door

11am – 1pm3pm – 5pm7:00pm – 10:00pm


Mrs. Gina Liszovics 310-613-4683


To send a meal, please contact Mrs. Rivkah Moorvitch, 713-791-2145


Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion v’Yerusholayim
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