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A California lawyer has published calls to wipe out the Jews

California lawyer and Jew hater Farhad Khorasani. (File)

California bar association refuses to take action over attorney’s praise for Hitler and call for genocide of Jews.

Farhad Khorasani is an Iranian-American international lawyer who has his own law firm Khorasani Law.

California lawyer Farhad Khorasani had been cleared of wrongdoing by the California Bar Association’s disciplinary panel, despite social media posts deriding the Holocaust, praising Adolf Hitler, and calling on Iran to carry out a genocide against Jews.

Although the posts in question have already been removed or blocked from the sites on which they were posted, screenshots of the posts by a legal associate were submitted to the bar along with a complaint to have him disciplined or disbarred. The bar concluded an investigation with the verdict “no actionable conduct.”

One such post accuses worldwide Jewry of using the historical spectacle of the Holocaust
as a ‘tool to be manipulated’, while others blame the Israeli Mossad for assassinating an Iranian nuclear scientist. Khorasani calls this an ‘act of war’ and calls on Iran to lead the way in wiping out the Jews.

Further comments celebrate the recent death of notable Jewish figures such as Sheldon Adelson, a philanthropist who dedicated considerable time and resources to the State of Israel.

Screenshots of Khorasani’s posts carried by the blog Israellycool showed the attorney had praised Adolf Hitler, and called for a “new Hitler” to emerge.

“The Jew anywhere is an existential threat to Aryans, muslims, and Iranians everywhere,” Khorasani wrote. “Hitler has proved that he knew these terrorist semites very well. Hitler was right, we need a new Hitler.”

Legal colleagues wrote to Viva Mena to say that they are shocked to see this kind of content from Khorasani, and that he never expressed such sentiments in law school.

He is also is the founder and chair of the Iranian American Sport Association (IASA),  a Los-Angeles based 501c3 nonprofit organization, “to help save his family sport, Olympic wrestling, and to bridge the sports gap between the two nations and support USA-Iran Sports Diplomacy.” As such, he appears on Persian TV to comment on Iran-US sports relations.


Except he is not good. He is a vile Jew hater.

After these posts were exposed – including by a former classmate of his who had no idea he was like this – the California bar investigated him and unbelievably found no actionable conduct.

The above antisemitic posts have been removed (it is unclear by whom), but even after this investigation, you might think he would lay low.

Think again.

Perhaps because he retweeted things in Parsi, thinking no-one would notice.

Maybe because it is seems the investigation into his antisemitic conduct is not reflected
on his State Bar of California profile.

Or perhaps he is just an arrogant guy who thinks he can do as he pleases. He certainly seems to have a huge ego, as suggested by his constant photos with “celebrities.”

But whatever the reason, we won’t allow the determination of the California bar to deter
us from publicizing what he is about.

Share this post far and wide. Perhaps at least, he can prosecuted for hate crimes. Decent people who are currently unaware of his Jew hatred will treat him like poison. And potential clients will think twice about hiring his services.

(Arutz 7 / Israellycool).


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