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All Angelenos Should Wear Masks, Says Mayor Garcetti

This still image taken from a live stream provided by Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti shows Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti displaying putting on a protective face mask during his daily news conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. (Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti via AP)

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti also threatened to cut off water and power to nonessential businesses flaunting shut-down orders.

By Paige Austin, Patch Staff 
Apr 1, 2020 11:32 pm PT

LOS ANGELES, CA — In yet another surreal turn in the age of the coronavirus pandemic, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Wednesday advised everyone to cover their faces by whatever means possible when out in public. Masks, scarves, cloth coverings — all could help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. He also threatened to cut off water and power to nonessential businesses that fail to close during the statewide shut-down.

Wearing a mask during his daily briefing, Garcetti urged Angelenos to trade vanity for safety and cover up.

“I know it will look surreal. We’re going to have to get used to seeing each other like this,” Garcetti said as he put on a black cloth mask during his daily coronavirus briefing.

“To be clear, you should still stay at home. This isn’t an excuse to suddenly all go out.”

Garcetti discouraged the public from buying medical-grade masks, such as the N95 and surgical masks, because first responders and doctors urgently need them. However, even scarves and other masks can slow down the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

“We’re working with logistics companies and FEMA to secure the (medical) masks and the personal protective equipment they need to serve all of us and protect their lives,” Garcetti said.

“When the crisis gets worse, the last thing that we want is for them not to have the life-saving equipment they need to save our lives.”

Garcetti said 400 garment and apparel manufacturers have pledged to soon make about 2 million cloth masks per week for essential workers, such as grocery store employees, in an attempt to protect them from the coronavirus.

The manufacturers signed up through LA Protects manufacturing initiative website that Garcetti announced last week,

Garcetti also said he does not expect the Safer at Home orders to be lifted by April 19, the day they’re set to expire. He added that no one within his office has tested positive for COVID-19.

Health officials announced Wednesday an additional 194 Los Angeles residents tested positive for the coronavirus, increasing the total to 1,580, a 14% increase over Tuesday. There are 3,524 cases in Los Angeles County.

Eight businesses defined as “non-essential” while emergency orders are in effect have been referred to the City Attorney’s Office for possible prosecution for not shutting down, Garcetti said. The penalty for the violation can be a misdemeanor.

“Slowing the spread of this virus and flattening the curve on new infections demands that we all do our part, yet still some non-essential businesses continue to operate, putting us all at risk,” Garcetti said.

“This is serious and we cannot allow violations to continue.”

Garcetti also said he has directed the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power to cut off utilities to businesses refusing to comply.

City News Service

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