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‘Another country will sign deal with Israel in the next day or two’

US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (File).

US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft says another Arab country will sign a peace deal with Israel in the “next day or two”.

Another Arab country will sign a peace deal with Israel in the “next day or two,” US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft told Al Arabiya in an interview on Wednesday.

“Our plan is to bring more countries, which we will have more being announced very soon … One [country will sign] in the next day or two,” she said.

“I know others are going to be following,” Craft added.

In August, the United Arab Emirates announced a deal with Israel to establish diplomatic ties and normalize relations. Bahrain followed suit and the three countries signed the deal at a ceremony at the White House last week.

Craft expressed US hopes that Saudi Arabia would also sign a peace deal with Israel. “Obviously, we would welcome for Saudi Arabia to be next. But what’s important is that we focus on the agreement and we do not allow the [Iranian] regime to exploit the goodwill of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, or Israel,” she said.

“We want to bring everyone on board in hopes that this will allow the Iranian citizens to see that people really want peace in the Middle East, and they are part of this peace,” Craft added.

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman told the UN General Assembly earlier Wednesday that his country had extended a hand to Tehran for peace but was met with more terrorist activities.

“Any time anyone extends a hand to Iran, it must be to the Iranian citizens,” Craft said, adding that countries must be “very careful and cautious” because Iran exploits other countries.

Last week, US President Donald Trump told reporters that many more countries are on the way to reaching new peace deals in the Middle East.

Asked if he expected Saudi Arabia to follow suit, Trump said “I do. I spoke with the king of Saudi Arabia.”

He added the move would come “at the right time.”

The President recently said he expected Saudi Arabia to join the Israel-UAE deal. A senior member of the Saudi royal family later stressed that Saudi Arabia’s price for normalizing relations with Israel is the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz reiterated that position during a recent conversation with Trump, saying there would be no normalization with Israel without Palestinian statehood.

(Israel National News – Arutz 7).

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