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Another Stabbing in Jerusalem’s Old City

Latest Stabbing in Jerusalem’s Old City: Female Muslim Terrorist Wounds Israeli Civilian

By Michael Bachner/TPS

An 18-year-old female Muslim terrorist stabbed a 36-year-old Israeli in his upper body from behind on Wednesday morning, October 7, near the Lion’s Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The victim, a resident of the Shadmot Mehola community in the Jordan Valley, was lightly to moderately wounded. He managed to shoot and neutralize his attacker before being treated at the scene and taken to hospital. The terrorist was evacuated to Hadassah Ein-Karem hospital in serious condition.

According to Israeli police, the terrorist, a resident of the east Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of Sur Baher, managed to pass through security before carrying out the attack.

“The high security in and around the Old City is continuing with more than 3,500 police officers, including special patrol units and undercover units working in the area at the moment,” Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld told TPS.


Immediately after the attack, police evacuated Jews from the Temple Mount. Muslims who were there rushed to the scene of the attack, shouting and cursing, according to a group that was visiting the Mount.

Israel had restricted Palestinian access to the Mount and to the Old City for two days in the wake of last week’s terror attacks in Jerusalem and surroundings that claimed the lives of four civilians. Wednesday’s attack comes after police ended the ban earlier in the morning.

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