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ATTENTION PETA: New Hamas Tactic – Bird Bomb Used On Monday

ATTENTION PETA: New Hamas Tactic – Bird Bomb Used On Monday

July 17, 2018     7:45 am


Ministry of Parks and Nature personnel discovered a new threat to Israel’s skies on Monday, when they found that Hamas had tied an incendiary device onto the foot of a falcon and let the hawk fly over the fence that separates Israel from the Gaza Strip.

The bird was spotted close to the western side of the border fence near the HaB’Sor stream. A large number of animals and wildlife have been killed due to the blazes caused by the kite and balloon bombs. In this instance, terrorists inside the Gaza Strip, took a live animal and used it as a weapon in order to create fire inside Israel.

Will those same animal-rights activists, who are so worried about the use of chickens by Kapparos, and who stage protests condemning Kapparos – will we hear from them now? Or are those the same “activists” who join in all the anti-Israel protests chanting “Free Free Palestine”, and encourage the BDS Movement?

Source:  (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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