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Bombs Found Near Jerusalem Court, Three Stabbing Attacks Across Israel

Stabbing Attack in Pisgat Zeev 10.11.15

Three Stabbing Attacks Across Israel, Bombs Found Near Jerusalem Court

Written by Jonathan Benedek/TPS on November 10, 2015

Three stabbing attacks occurred in Israel on Tuesday, November 10. The first took place at around 12:00 PM when a 24-year-old security guard was injured in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood in northern Jerusalem. Within minutes,  another stabbing attack was thwarted at the Old City’s Damascus Gate.

In Pisgat Ze’ev, two Palestinian youths aged 12 and 13 stabbed a security guard on a light rail train. The stabbed guard managed to shoot one of the stabbers, effectively wounding him. Passengers on the light rail managed to take control of the other stabber, who was subsequently arrested.

Later in the evening a spokesperson from Hadassah hospital reported that the 12-year-old terrorist, who was is serious condition, was receiving  and receiving artificial ventilation and had been anesthetized.

Stabbing Attack in Pisgat Zeev 10.11.15

The security guard sustained light to moderate wounds and was treated at the scene by Magen David Adom (MDA), before being evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek hospital.

MDA paramedic David Delfin said: “I saw a stopped light rail train with a lot of security personnel nearby. A 24-year-old man with light stab wounds was lying on the pavement next to the light rail. We provided him with immediate medical care, and put him on an ambulance.”

He arrived at the hospital fully conscious and in stable condition, having sustained wounds in his head and chest.

Meanwhile, the stabber who was shot sustained serious wounds in his chest and limbs and was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital.

Shortly afterward, a stabbing was thwarted at the Old City’s Damascus Gate.

Two security guards noticed a suspicious Palestinian who was following them. The Palestinian eventually took out a knife and approached the security guards, who immediately responded with gunfire, effectively neutralizing him. He was transported to Hadassah Mt. Scopus hospital in serious condition, and later died of his wounds.

A 50 year old Palestinian bystander at Damascus Gate was lightly wounded in his hand from the gunshots directed at the terrorist. He was treated at a nearby health clinic, before being transported to Shaarei Tsedek hospital.

Later, a stabbing attempt took place at approximately 3:15pm at a checkpoint near Abu Dis, a Palestinian town east of Jerusalem. During the incident, a Palestinian assailant ran towards border policemen who were at the checkpoint, brandishing a knife and shouting ‘allahu akbar’ (god is great).

The attacker was subsequently shot and neutralized by the border policemen and received medical treatment at the scene.

Just minutes before the attempt, detectives assisted by police dogs located several pipe bombs, improvised guns and ammunition hidden near Jerusalem’s district court.

According to an Israeli police spokesperson, an Arab father and son were arrested on suspicion of having a connection to the material.

The incident came after a demonstration held in support of 13-year-old Ahmed Manasra who is being tried today for carrying out a terrorist attack in which he stabbed a 13-year-old boy and a 21-year-old man in Pisgat Ze’ev in October.

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