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Brazil: Israeli Kidnapped, Rescued by Local Police

By TPS • 24 August, 2022

Jerusalem, 24 August, 2022 (TPS) — A 30-year-old Israeli man was kidnapped on Tuesday in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and was tracked down and rescued by local forces after hours in captivity. The Israeli, who was kidnapped by a local gang and held for ransom, was released on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday.

The incident began when the Israeli citizen went out for a night meeting using an Uber and was ambushed by a local gang. Along with the Israeli, the Uber driver was also kidnapped and was later dumped by the kidnappers in an abandoned area.

The initial information came to the police from the Uber driver. A few hours later, the kidnappers contacted the Israeli’s family members and demanded ransom. The kidnappers also withdrew a sum of money from an ATM using the Israeli’s credit card.

The local police managed to triangulate the kidnappers’ and the Israeli’s cell phones and pinpointed their location. The police subsequently managed to reach three of the kidnappers and arrested them. Later on, they also managed to reach the young Israeli who was being held at another location with the other members of the gang.

He was released and was reunited with his family members. The Israeli consul Aviel Avraham talked to him and said he sounded upset but that he was very happy and in a good condition.

Officials from the Israeli Foreign Ministry were in constant contact with Brazilian authorities throughout the event.

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