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Brazil: Israeli Tech will Help Grow Acai Trees Away from Their Home in the Amazon

Photo by Israel's Embassy in Brazil on 5 September, 2022

By TPS • 6 September, 2022

Jerusalem, 6 September, 2022 (TPS) — Israeli technologies will help Acai trees to grow in other areas in Brazil far from the Amazon, its natural habitat.

The Acai is a palm tree that grows in the tropical region of the Amazon basin in Brazil, mainly in areas flooded by tides on the banks of streams. Its fruit is of great importance in the Brazilian economy and can also be found in stalls in Israel.

Israeli technologies, including precise irrigation and the use of sensors that indicate the needs of the trees, will make it possible to grow these trees even in areas far from the Amazon, including in drier areas in the heart of Brazil.

The integration of Israeli technologies in the cultivation of Acai began in recent days at the Israeli Embassy in Brazil, where a plot of Acai and blueberry trees was planted. This planting integrates with a large-scale project in Brazil called “The Fruit Path” in which efforts are being made to grow Acai and blueberry trees on family farms and in places where they were previously not grown before.

Israel’s Ambassador to Brazil Daniel Zonshine said Tuesday that “this initiative enables the planting of Acai trees in the city of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, and the project illustrates the high capabilities of Israeli technological developments in the fields of agriculture that enable both water saving and increased productivity.”

Israel’s agro-tech industry is considered one of the leading in the world, and its experience and products developed over decades of tilling the land in an arid climate are now being shared with the world.

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