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Canadian Jews slam T-shirts comparing coronavirus vaccines to Holocaust

A T-shirt designed by Canadian TV producer Susan Standfield comparing COVID-19 vaccinations to the Holocaust. Source: Screenshot.

TV producer Susan Standfield said “my design is an act of solidarity among all persecuted people.”

 The Jewish community in Canada is outraged over a T-shirt created by a Vancouver woman that attempts to compare vaccinations against COVID-19 to the Holocaust, Canadian television network CTV News reported on Saturday.

TV producer Susan Standfield designed a line of anti-vaccine and anti-mask T-shirts with her most recent design a white short-sleeve shirt that features a yellow star with the words “COVID Caust” in the center. The shirt has many making clear references to the yellow stars that German Nazis forced the Jews to wear during the years of World War II and the Holocaust.

Stanfield said in an online video that she used the design to show she is being “systematically targeted” for her views.”

She added, “We are the official yellow-star class in Canada, so that’s why I made that design.”

Standfield also claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is like the Holocaust in its attempt to exterminate the “old, disabled and indigenous.” She told CTV News “my design is an act of solidarity among all persecuted people.”

CEO of B’nai Brith Canada Michael Mostyn condemned “this trafficking in Holocaust imagery in order to promote COVID-19 conspiracy theories.”

He said “there can be no comparison between masks and vaccines, which are intended to save lives, and the cruel murder of 6 million Jews and millions of others by the Nazis and their collaborators.”

Dr. Michael Elterman, a member of Vancouver’s Jewish community and chair of the former Canadian Jewish Congress, told CTV News: “The whole idea of a vaccine is to save people’s lives, and yet this person seems to be associating this logo with the Holocaust with the genocide of a people. It’s irrational; it makes no sense.”

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