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Chabad of the Valley Host Farbrengen in Honor of Gimmel Tammuz with Rabbi Chaim Miller



Farbrengen in honor of The Rebbe

This past Tuesday evening, some 1,000 people from all walks of life gathered at Chabad of the Valley Headquarters in Tarzana for a beautiful Farbrengen in honor of the 20th Yahrtziet – Hilulah of The Rebbe.

The evening was highlighted by the world renowned scholar and author Rabbi Chaim Miller inspiring the crowd through relating his own personal spiritual journey, and how the Rebbe constantly inspires him.

People listened intently and spellbound as Rabbi Miller, who recently wrote a biography of the Rebbe, entitled Turning Judaism Outward, regaled the audience with stories, lessons and anecdotes about the Rebbe and his leadership of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. A full dinner was served.

The Farbrengen was once again generously sponsored by Gary and Rochelle Finder and Family and the Finder Family Educational Center who also addressed the evening.

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