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Christian Organization To Challenge UNESCO On Classification Of Jewish Holy Sites

Photo: Hillel Maeir, TPS / Christians march in the international Jerusalem March in 2015.

Christian Organization To Challenge UNESCO On Classification Of Jewish Holy Sites

By Jonathan Benedek

(TPS) – Last week, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) approved a resolution in which it listed Rachel’s Tomb, located just south of Jerusalem and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, as Islamic sites.

The resolution not only stirred up a firestorm of protests from many in Israel and throughout the Jewish world but from Christians as well. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of the Christian organization “Proclaiming Justice to the Nations,” shared some of her reactions to UNESCO’s resolution, with Tazpit Press Service (TPS).

“This is part of a growing problem,” said Cardoza-Moore to TPS. “We are watching in our lifetime revisionist history being written.”

Cardoza-Moore, who is the Special Envoy to the UN for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, argues that there is a campaign to rewrite Jewish history to fit an Islamist agenda. “The Islamists through organizations like UNESCO and governments, are trying to rewrite documented archeological history that generations have recognized for thousands of years,” she asserts.

“They are no different than ISIS which physically goes in and destroys historical evidence” continued Cardoza-Moore. “We are watching UNESCO through what we call ‘disinformation’ destroy the Jewish and Israelite connection historically to these holy sites and this land.”

Cardoza-Moore also believes that UNESCO’s declaration will directly impact Christian heritage as well. “Christians should be equally disturbed because if they continue with this narrative, they will rewrite Jesus out of the story,” she argued. “Christians should be very concerned that it won’t be long until their Jesus is rewritten too.”

Cardoza-Moore referred to various groups identifying themselves as Christian, who accept alternative narratives of Jesus. “There are alleged Christian groups buying into such a narrative,” she noted.

“They have said that Jesus had more in common with the Palestinians, and some have even said that Jesus was a Palestinian and not a Jew,” explained Cardoza-Moore. “This is absolutely absurd because Jesus was an orthodox Jew, who followed Torah and kept the commandments.”

Cardoza-Moore also responded to UNESCO’s condemnation of “aggression” and “illegal measures” taken by Israel over the Temple Mount, in its resolution. She referenced restrictions placed on both Jews and Christians on the Temple Mount.

“What is outrageous is that the world sits by and tells Jews and Christians that they can go up on the Temple Mount only at certain times, that they can go up there but not pray or wear pieces of jewelry that have religious meaning to it,” she said.

“Apartheid is being practiced but it is not being practiced by the Israeli government,” stressed Cardoza-Moore to TPS. “It is being practiced by the Palestinian Authority and UNESCO.”

Cardoza-Moore hopes to successfully reverse UNESCO’s resolution referring to Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs as Islamic sites. “We are preparing a letter to send to the head of UNESCO, which will condemn this act personally and state that it is outrageous that history is being rewritten,” explained Cardoza-Moore. “We are going to go step by step to see what type of response we get from their office.”

The mission of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations as Laurie Cardoza-Moore described it to TPS is “to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with our Jewish brethren and defend the state of Israel.”

In that vein, Cardoza-Moore feels it is incumbent upon Christians to stand up for Israel, particularly at this time. “As Christians we will be held responsible for what we do and do not do in our lifetime with regards to our Jewish brethren and the state of Israel,” she said.

UNESCO was established in 1945 in order to solidify world peace by creating an environment for intercultural understanding and international cooperation in science and education.

In 2011, UNESCO voted to make the Palestinian Authority a member of the international organization. In protest, the US and Israel stopped paying membership dues, and in the process, lost their voting power in UNESCO.

In an effort to lobby for re-election to UNESCO’s executive board, US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris last week and promised to work with the US Congress to pay US membership dues.

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