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Dafna Meir Laid To Rest After Stabbing Attack in Her Home

Funeral of Dafna Meir In Jerusalem 18.1.16 funeral procession of Dafna Meir who was stabbed to death at her home by a terrorist 18.1.16

Dafna Meir Laid To Rest After Stabbing Attack in Her Home

Written by Alexander J. Apfel/TPS on January 18, 2016

Jerusalem (TPS) – Dafna Meir was laid to rest on Monday, January 18 following a funeral that began in her home community of Otniel and concluded in Givat Shaul in Jerusalem. Meir, 39, was stabbed to death in her home by a terrorist at approximately 5:00 pm on Sunday, January 17.

Despite attempts to save her by Magen David Adom paramedics who found her in critical condition, she succumbed to her wounds shortly thereafter and was pronounced dead.

Prior to the procession to Jerusalem, Mt. Hebron Regional Council Chairman Yochai Damari described the murderer as the “son of Satan.” He called upon Prime Minister Netanyahu to abandon the “illusory” notion of a Palestinian state. “The time has come to start implementing our sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. We are done with talk,” he said.

Political activist and Otniel resident Yehuda Glick called upon the Arab community to condemn the murder while demonstrating his resolve to fight against terror. “We are now suffering from a large and painful wound, but this will hurt them more than us. We will continue on with our lives,” he said.

Many people demonstrated solidarity with the Meir family by escorting Dafna on her final journey to Jerusalem. A number of political figures also attended the burial in Jerusalem, including Opposition Chairman Isaac Herzog, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau, and Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev.

Regev, the highest-level Likud member present, praised Dafna in her eulogy as “such a special and beautiful woman who never broke or despaired.”

After telling listeners that Israel would remain defiant against religious and ideological extremism, she addressed Dafna’s husband and six children, two of whom are adopted. “Natan, Renana, Akiva, Noah, Ahava, Yair and Yaniv, and, most importantly of all, Dafna: I came to request your forgiveness. Our job and responsibility was to protect you like all Israeli civilians. This time we did not succeed,” she lamented.

Her husband, Natan, described her as having been one in a million. “She had a big crown, the crown of truth. She was straight to the point. Not everybody loved this, but everyone knew that they could appreciate it. That truth has now been thrown away and shattered to pieces. My Dafna, thank you for all the moments together and forgive me for all the times I hurt you,” he said.

The traditional seven day mourning period (the shiva) will begin this evening at the home of the Meir family.

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