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Donald Trump Meeting with Pharmaceutical Companies to Accelerate Coronavirus Vaccine

CHARLIE SPIERING 2 Mar 2020 Breitbart

President Donald Trump said during a Monday meeting at the White House with Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez that he is asking pharmaceutical companies to accelerate a vaccine for the coronavirus as an outbreak continues to threaten the United States.

“We’re talking about a vaccine, maybe a cure. It’s possible. We’ll see about that,” Trump said. “We’ve asked them to accelerate whatever they’re doing in terms of a vaccine.”

Currently, human trials for the vaccine are about six weeks away, according to Health Department officials.

Trump said he already planned to meet with the heads of pharmaceutical companies to discuss lowering drug prices but that he would focus the conversation on the coronavirus.

“We’re working very hard with the CDC, with everybody, on a subject that has become a very big subject,” Trump told reporters.

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