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Exclusive: Israel in talks to establish 4-nation defense alliance with Saudi, UAE and Bahrain

The signatories of the Abraham Accords. (Photo: File)

Jerusalem does not have official diplomatic relations with Riyadh
but is thought to have clandestine ties.

Jerusalem is currently in talks with the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates in establishing a four-nation defense alliance, according to an exclusive i24NEWS report.

While Jerusalem does not have official diplomatic relations with Riyadh, foreign media report that the two countries have long-standing clandestine ties.

However, the UAE and Bahrain, signed a historic normalization deal with Israel in September 2020 known as the US-brokered Abraham Accords.

The reported defense alliance talks likely come in response to the “growing Iranian threat” in the region, specifically regarding its budding nuclear program along with its expanding influence in the Middle East with countries like Syria and Iraq.

News of the reported talks comes as the newly Biden administration sends signals to Tehran and world powers that it is ready to rejoin the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. That deal was brokered by former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, and was vehemently opposed by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the time.

(i24 News).

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