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Fire Safety Tips for Hanukkah

In honor of the Hanukkah holiday, the Fire and Rescue Commission has published a number of safety guidelines. Follow these tips and you can prevent fires and keep you and your family safe.

In honor of the Hanukkah holiday, the Fire and Rescue Commission has published a number of safety guidelines. Follow these tips and you can prevent fires and keep you and your family safe.

In recent years, dozens of fires have broken out in residential areas as a result of candles being lit in an unsafe manner. Therefore, it is important to follow the following guidelines:

1. Most “arts and crafts” Hanukkah lamps (“Hanukkya”), made by children are not suitable for lighting and may burn down when used.

2. Place the Hanukkah lamp on a sturdy surface made of nonflammable material such as marble, glass or metal.

3. Place the Hanukkah candles ONLY inside the Hanukkah lamp or candlesticks made of nonflammable material.

4. Do not place the Hanukkah lamp near or under any flammable material such as curtains or books.

5.Do not walk around while holding a lit candle.

6. Do not place the Hanukkah lamp in a location where it can be knocked over -either by a passing person or the wind, or where something can fall on it.

7. Keep matches and lit objects away from children.

8. Make sure your pet cannot reach the Hanukkah lamp.

9. Never leave a lit Hanukkah lamp unattended!

Following these safety instructions can prevent a disaster.
Happy Hanukkah?!


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