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First Ever Pico Shabbaton For LA’s Premier Orthodox Day School, Yeshivat Yavneh

Yeshivat Yavneh holds Achdut Shabbaton in Pico in conjunction with Yavneh PTA.
Los Angeles, CA – Yeshivat Yavneh is holding it’s first ever Pico Shabbaton Friday, January 31st- February 1st. The shabbaton promises to be a grand affair with gourmet catering, kids programs and prizes, a women’s shiur and much more.
Friday night, davening and dinner will begin at the exquisite Mark For Events, followed by a special Tish led by Yavneh’s Rav and Dean, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn.  Shabbat lunch will be held at Beth Jacob.  The shabbaton will conclude with a Motzei Shabbos Havdalah and Melava Malka featuring an acoustic performance by the lead singer of the Moshav Band.
“The goal of the shabbaton is to further the warmth and unity amongst the parent body and the students” said Yavneh PTA President Ganit Levy. “For parents, it’ll create a great opportunity to meet and/or catch up with other parents while enjoying the great schedule and meals we have lined up. For the students, seeing each other off campus and especially over shabbat is always exciting.”
“We’re excited to hold our first ever Pico Shabbaton” said Rabbi Einhorn. “With about half our students coming from the pico area and many families being hosted from other parts of LA, it’s shaping up to be our largest off-campus event of the year.”
Davening at the Mark for Events will begin at 5:00 PM and will be led by Yavneh Parents and Faculty.  Dinner will be catered by a premier LA caterer and consist of kid’s programs for all ages led by Miriam Usvitzky.  The tish will include a special invitation to any prospective parents interested in finding out more about the school or getting to know parents from the school.
Lunch will be at Beth Jacob and begin at 12:30.  It will include more kids programs and a women’s shiur by Dassi Weiner.  The Havdalah and Melava Malka will be at a Yavneh parent’s residence and include a special performance by Moshav Band headliner Yehuda Solomon.  Truly a Yavneh Shabbaton not to be missed!

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