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Freed hostage’s aunt: Hamas forced 12-year-old to watch films of the horrors

Aunt of 12-year-old Eitan Yahalom says Hamas ‘monsters’ threatened any child who cried with rifles, forced them to watch videos of Oct. 7.

Devora Cohen, the aunt of Eitan Yahalomi, a 12-year-old boy who was freed last night (Monday) after spending more than 50 days in Hamas captivity, told French television station BFM that the terrorists forced her young nephew to watch videos they took from the massacre of October 7.

“The Hamas terrorists forced him to watch films of the horrors, the kind that no one wants to see, they forced him to watch them,” Cohen said.

She stated that “Yesterday we were so happy” to have him home, “but now, when I know that, I worry” about him.

“How can you feel good about an experience like that?” she asked. “He’s a quiet child, it’s going to take him time to let his emotions out.”

She called the Hamas terrorists who held Eitan captive “monsters” and stated that if any child who was being held captive cried, “they threatened them with rifles to shut them up.”

“When he arrived in Gaza, all the residents, everyone, beat him. He is a 12-year-old child,” Cohen said.

Eitan was taken captive together with his mother and two sisters. His mother and sisters were able to escape when two IDF tanks appeared and shocked their captors, causing the motorcycles holding them to crash. Eitan was not as fortunate and remained a hostage for 52 days. His father was shot while attempting to defend their community against the Hamas attackers and is believed to have been taken to Gaza separately from the rest of the family.


Source: Arutz 7

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