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Freeing Yourself from Bondage; Pre-Passover Workshop (2)

Freeing Yourself from Bondage; Pre-Passover Workshop (2)

Pre-Passover Workshop (2)

Why is Passover such an important holiday? Why is it relevant to our modern lives today? Why is the exodus from Egypt the cornerstone of so many mitzvot and traditions? The answer is one word: Transcendence. The greatest challenge we all face in one way or another is struggling with our demons — our fears, insecurities, inhibitions, guilt, shame and every type of limitation that hampers and impedes our ability to reach for the sky and fulfill our aspirations and dreams. Passover is a most vital holiday precisely because it addresses the biggest issue of our lives: How to free ourselves from every form of personal and collective bondage?

What does a healthy psyche look like? How does a healthy mind, heart and spirit behave? What type of person would you have been, how high would have flown, were it not for the influences and factors that shaped and jaded your life? How different would you have been without your fears and insecurities? Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to get an x-ray of our souls? If we were able to contrast our current lives — and all the constraints it imposes on us — with the template of our quintessential personalities, as they were upon birth? Like juxtaposing an imperfect or distorted circle over a perfect one, or infected lungs over healthy ones, we would get a picture in perspective of our present situation as compared to our possibilities; our actuality in context of our potential. Imagine if you were able to access your core soul, which can fly free like an eagle, rather then have to contend with the forces that drag you down and impede your flight…

This is exactly what the Passover Seder is about: Offering us a snapshot of our psyches and souls and empowering us with wings for our souls to take flight, the Seder leads us through a 15-step process, which can be coined the first ever therapeutic model.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this fascinating Pre-Passover Workshop Part 2, showing us how to turn the Passover Seder into an exhilarating guiding journey into our inner workings, and come away looking at ourselves and our relationships in a completely new way. Discover the 3326 year old secret of freeing ourselves from our inner fears and inhibitions, and achieving transcendence.

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