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George H.W. Bush is Eulogized

A steady hand, staying the course’: George H.W. Bush is eulogized by Pence, McConnell and Ryan in somber Capitol Rotunda scenes as he lies in state, while Americans prepare to mourn his passing

The remains of the late President George H.W. Bush arrived Monday to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol as family members, senators, congressmen, cabinet secretaries, Supreme Court justices, and Vice President Pence paid their respects.

Bush’s flag-draped coffin found its repose beneath the Capitol Dome, on the catafalque built to rest the remains of Abraham Lincoln, surrounded by paintings depicting the founding of the nation he once led.

The Naval Academy Glee Club serenaded the former president, a Navy pilot who was the last veteran to occupy the Oval Office.

Politicians praised his service, his leadership, his modesty and his kindness as the Bush family, including his son the former President George W. Bush, looked on.

Vice President Mike Pence paid tribute to the former president’s service – both in the military and the government.









But he also recalled Bush’s modesty and kindness, telling a story of a note Bush sent to his son Michael, a Marine aviator, only a few months ago.

‘He was so modest, in fact, he never wrote an autobiography but he left a record of his life in the thousands of letters he wrote,’ he said.

He recalled how he had written the former president – a Navy pilot – when his son received his gold wings, asking him ‘to sign a picture of a flight deck that I could give to my son.’

He added he wasn’t surprised when the requested photo came back signed with a note from Bush attached to it.

Bush told his son, he recalled, that: ‘Though we have not met I share the pride your father has in you – I wish you many CAVA days ahead.’

CAVA, the vide president explained, is a term Navy pilots use and means ceiling and visibility unlimited.

‘CAVU, in his own words describes his own life,’ Pence said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Bush made a similar journey to the Capitol 30 years ago for his inauguration as the 41st President of the United States.

McConnell recalled Bush’s words from his inaugural address: ‘He said we met on democracy’s front porch … a good place to talk as neighbors and friends.’




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