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Global Kindness: Saving the World, One Person at a Time

Local Family Honored At Yeshiva Banquet

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Nouriel & Yael Cohen and Family, of Los Angeles where honored with the Amud Hachesed Award at Yeshivat Ohr Chanoch’s third Annual Banquet.  They merited receiving this award for their dedication and work of their organization Global Kindness.  Global Kindness is an organization that anonymously and honorably supports over 350 families, one person at a time. Their goal is to support and extend these services to as many as 1000 needy families in Los Angeles and around the world

“It is hard to estimate the number of lives that were – and continue to be  – touched by the chesed of the Cohen Family.  The Cohen Family has the zechut to be intimately involved in running the Global Kindness organization and is always looking for ways to do chesed and help the community.  One cannot visit the Cohen’s house on any night and not be inspired by the massive Chesed operation that is run from their very own backyard.  The achdut, self-sacrifice, and total giving of the Cohen’s on behalf of the needy in the community are something that we can all learn from.  As pillars of chesed and exemplifying what it means to live a life governed by Torah values, their family serves as a role model for the entire community. “

Rabbi Yermiyahu Ornstein

Until today Global Kindness has been running out of The Cohen Families Back yard in addition to their downtown warehouse.  Baruch Hashem their Organization has grown tremendously and can no longer be run out of their personal residence.  They are looking to open a storefront in the Pico-Robertson area so that they can continue their good work and service our Jewish community.   If you would like to contribute Ma’os Chitim  please visit or call 310-402-8882

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