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Gov’t Approves National Remembrance Day for Simchas Torah Attack

Palestinians break into the Israeli side of Israel-Gaza border fence after terrorists infiltrated areas of southern Israel, Oct. 7, 2023. (REUTERS/Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa)

The government on Sunday decided that a national remembrance day for the disaster that befell Israel on Simchas Torah/October 7, will be marked annually on the 24th of Tishrei, the day after Simchas Torah. The day will be marked with two state ceremonies: A memorial ceremony at 11:00 for those who fell in the war, and a memorial ceremony at 13:00 for the civilians who were murdered in acts of terrorism.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in coordination with Transportation and Road Safety Minister Brig.-Gen. (Ret.) Miri Regev, who is responsible for events marking 76 years of the State of Israel, the Defense Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office unit responsible for state ceremonies and events, decided on the official remembrance events to mark the Swords of Iron War.

This coming year, due to the fact that the 24th of Tishrei falls on Shabbos, the ceremonies will be held on Sunday, as they will be every year when the 24th of Tishrei falls on Shabbos.

In addition to the national remembrance day that will be marked annually on the Hebrew date, a state ceremony will also be held – on the first anniversary only – on October 7, the civil calendar date of the brutal terrorist assault, which has been etched in the consciousness of people in Israel and around the world. (In all subsequent years, the 24th of Tishrei will be marked in the State of Israel as the national remembrance day for the disaster of October 7, 2023.)

Source: Hamodia

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