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Hamas, Islamic Jihad Welcome Murder of Israeli Yeshiva Student

Photo by Aryeh Savir/TPS on 8 August, 2019

By Aryeh Savir/TPS • 8 August, 2019

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organization lauded the murder of Israeli yeshiva student Dvir Sorek, 19, who was found stabbed to death on Thursday morning on a road between Efrat and Migdal Oz.

Hamas said that the attack was a response to Israel’s alleged attempts to annex Judea and Samaria.

“Our nation will expel the conqueror from the West Bank,” the terror organization stated.

Hamas also called on the residents of the Arab villages in Gush Etzion and around the area of the attack to erase security footage from cameras they posted near their houses to cover up the escape of the terrorists and to hinder the security forces’ hunt for them.

The Islamic Jihad called that attack a “heroic action” which was carried out in response to Israel’s demolition of several illegal buildings in the Arab village of Tzur Baher near Jerusalem last month.

Islamic Jihad official Daoud Shehab called for a general uprising that will “escalate the resistance in the face of the occupation’s soldiers and the settlers.”

No terror organization has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership has remained silent and has not condemned or commented on the latest Arab terror attack against Israelis.

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