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Hidabroot Chanukah’s Seminar at Hilton Irvine

Where are you spending your Chanukah weekend this year? Hopefully with us.
Find out the secret to marital bliss? How do you effectively communicate with children these days? Is my income predetermined, luck or due to my efforts? Discover how the hidden secrets of Kabbalah influence my life’s decisions? If you are searching for answers to these life perplexing questions you should attend Los Angeles Hidabroot life changing event at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine.
Come and join a weekend that is relaxing yet thought provoking with scrumptious five star meals and a deep spiritual Jewish discovery.
Our previous seminars were phenomenally successful; we would like to do it again this coming Chanukah with you as our special guest. Come and spend a relaxing weekend at the Irvine Hilton Hotel in Orange County. A vacation like never before that will lift your spirits providing solace to your body and soul.
Enjoy ten exciting lectures led by Rabbi Zamir Cohen, head of Hidabroot and a gifted author arriving from Israel to celebrate Chanukah with all of you. Joining him from New York is Rabbi Yossi Mizrahi a thought provoking lecturer who entertains his listeners in Hebrew and in English. Seminar participants will be able to meet with these amazing rabbis during the breaks. Don’t miss this special opportunity to do so.
For the women seminar participants, Rabbaniyot Nava ben Moshe and Chana Yoshay will provide classes unmasking women inner power.
The seminar offers world class entertainment with stand-up comedian Shimon Peretz who is coming to California armed with a new show featuring a large arsenal of stories and jokes that would keep you rolling with laughter and help you relieve the accumulated tension we all have to deal with these days.
The Hilton luxurious gala room will be the stage on Motzei Shabbat for the main Banquet event of the seminar – Rabbi Zamir Cohen lighting the eighth Chanukah candle, a live show, Barbeque dinner and many more fun surprises.
In order to take full advantage of this remarkable weekend we are providing parents attending the seminar a separate Chanukah children’s program which will be offered parallel to the seminar lectures schedule. The children’s program will be divided into four age groups and held on a separate floor. Each class will have a teacher and assistants who will provide your kids with a spectacular holiday experience: A magician, clowns, yummy Sufganiut and lots more.
This weekend will be catered by our renowned “Morris Catering” chef who will delight you with a vast array of delicious meals with the children enjoying a complete kids menu. Snack stations loaded with coffee, tea and scrumptious cakes will be available for the seminar participants.
If you participated in one of our fabulous weekends in the past you already know that it is a remarkable experience that you should not forego. “We felt like we were transported to heaven and back” said Shmuel Naftali at the end of our seminar “We were lifted to another dimension”
“It felt like a family event” exclaimed another seminar goer and added “This seminar entered my heart and touched every nerve. I highly recommend it. Hidabroot is a very special organization. I finally understand my mother. She is an avid fan of Rabbi Zamir Cohen and she is the one who pushed me to attend this seminar. I finally realized what she was raving about. This Rabbi is phenomenal; words cannot begin to describe his lectures”.
Israel Gad who participated in the last seminar shared his deep intimate feelings “It was like a dream. It was my second time attending a seminar and I was still utterly moved by it. I told Rabbi Zamir that he is getting under my skin nourishing my soul. I used to have such hatred to religion…Thirty five years I was really anti. I was a successful business man until all turned sour and I lost a lot of money. I was contemplating suicide. A friend persuaded me to listen to Rabbi Zamir Cohen’s tapes. For two weeks they were left untouched in my car. One day I decided to put one in my car’s player and listened, I was mesmerized. For four and half hours I just sat there motionless and listened, even when I arrived at my destination I could not leave my car and I ended up staying in the parking lot. Sitting and listening. I thought to myself why commit suicide? Maybe the answer to my life’s problems is right here? I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is sad that many do not understand the amazing work you are doing” concluded Gad with his voice full of emotion.
“We usually hold these seminars on American Holidays” said Erez Mimon the seminar’s organizer – head of “Los Angeles Hidabroot”. “This year we decided to change and hold it during Chanukah with the goal of bringing unity to the Jewish community in Los Angeles and inviting everyone to a splendid Jewish vacation – Ten lectures, Seven Banquet meals, five star accommodations in a luxurious hotel, listening to two phenomenal rabbis in one life changing event”
This seminar sounds like quite a logistical challenge. What is required to make it happen?
“Wow… I don’t know where to begin describing the complexity of it.. from finding the hotel that fits our needs, the issue of electricity on Shabbat, supplying wash basins for Netilat Yadayim, finding rooms with no sensors, to designing a satisfying menu. We also have to create a thought provoking seminar addressing diverse audience in addition to creating a kids program that entertains all ages. We also employ an organized telemarketing network that accommodates all seminar participants. The Banquet hall gets decorated lavishly almost like it is a wedding. We buy elegant table and chair covers, we install special lighting and bring in a complete synagogue – Shtender, Torah scrolls, Chazzan etc.
Sounds like a huge undertaking. What motivates you to do it?
“Our goal is to provide a positive experience to the Jews living here” said Erez “We work very hard for many days and nights to insure it will run flawlessly. We drive to bring unity to Jews coming from different parts of our community providing all of them with a relaxing tranquil relief from their daily stressful routine. This seminar allows them to dive deeper into Judaism warm embrace.
Seminar participants are limited to 500 people only –First come first serve. For more information check Hidabroot website at or call (818) 626-6849

Dr. Lob is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Chicago, working with adults, adolescents, and families, for many years. He lectures and writes extensively on topics relating to psychology, relationships, parenting, education, and Jewish thought.

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