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Hit with dire COVID crisis, India turns to Israel for help

COVID cases in India explode. (Newshub New Zealand).

Nachman Ash: ‘When you see the astronomic infection rates abroad you realize that the pandemic is yet to end’.

India, in the grip of a coronavirus outbreak of unprecedented proportions, requested medical assistance from Israel on Sunday.

India’s healthcare system has struggled to cope with the huge surge in infections, with reports of severe oxygen and medicine shortages and patients’ families pleading for help on social media.

The vast nation of over 1,300,000,000 people recorded 349,691 fresh cases and 2,767 deaths in the last 24 hours, the highest since the start of the pandemic.

Israel, that has seen a plunge in infections owing to a record-setting vaccination rollout, confirmed receipt of the request and said it’s being examined, according to a brief Foreign Ministry statement.

Israel’s coronavirus coordinator, Prof. Nachman Ash said that Israel is likely to help its south Asian ally.

“When you see the astronomic infection rates abroad you realize that the pandemic is yet to end. Israel, however, is doing really well,” the pandemic czar said.

“Israel is considering sending medical aid to India following the large spike in infections in the country.”

The United States and the European Union said they were readying vaccine supplies, ventilators and other forms of medical aid for the crisis-hit country.

(i24 News).

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