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Honduras to Put Hezbollah on Terror List

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández at the opening of a Honduran Trade Office, in Yerushalayim in September, 2019. (Marc Israel Sellem/POOL)

By Hamodia Staff Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 3:11 pm

YERUSHALAYIM – Honduras will designate Hezbollah an international terrorist organization, the office of the Latin American country’s president announced on Tuesday.

Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz welcomed the move as an “important step in the global war on terrorism,” adding that Israel is discussing the matter with other countries such as Germany, Australia and Brazil in hopes they will do the same.

Honduras joins Argentina and Paraguay, who put the Lebanese militia on the list of terror entities last year, and Guatemala’s incoming president said in November that his country would follow suit.

The Honduran government of President Juan Orlando Hernández opened a trade office in Yerushalayim recently and is expected to move its embassy there in the coming weeks.

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