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Hundreds Protest Outside The NY Times After Anti-Semitic Cartoons; Hikind, Dershowitz Deliver Speeches

April 30, 2019 4:05 pm

Several hundred people gathered on one day’s notice in Midtown Manhattan at The New York Times office building to send the publication a strong message: Jews will not tolerate the mainstreaming and globalization of antisemitic hatred in any form be it overt or disguised as cartoon social commentary.

The Times on Monday published a cartoon of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu descending a mountain with a selfie-stick in one hand and a stone tablet with a Star of David in the other hand — just after saying it was “deeply sorry” for publishing a cartoon of Netanyahu as a dachshund (dog) wearing a Star of David collar and leading a blind and skullcap-wearing U.S. President Donald Trump.

Speakers included Dov Hikind, Professor Alan Dershowitz and radio talk show host Sid Rosenberg. Dershowitz suggested there was something deeply wrong with the “newspaper of record” which spends so much of its space every day attacking Israel, the Jewish State.

Hikind sent the following statement to YWN:

“Any time Israel defends itself, whether it’s on the borders of Gaza against Hamas, the borders of Lebanon against Hezbollah or along the Syrian border against Iran, the number one critic of the people of Israel defending themselves is, and has for the longest time been, The New York Times. Shame on them!

Between 1939 and 1945 there were over 30,000+ articles on the Times’ front pages, and more than 18,000 of those were about World War II. But only 26 (26 for G-d’s Sake!) were about the Holocaust! 26 were about our people being gassed in Auschwitz and murdered all over Europe! They couldn’t find any more space.

The Nazis were the radical Right and they were to blame then. What does the liberal far-Left New York Times have as an excuse in 2019? They have now joined Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib in mainstreaming antisemitism in the ridiculous guise of anti-Zionism. The Times’ history of distorting the news about the Jewish people the world over continues in the present and seems to be going strong and unabated.

Let us not be surprised, then, when the next round of atrocities against Jews are overlooked and downplayed by the Times and others on the Left, while the Right continues to stamp out antisemites from amongst its ranks.

Shame, Shame, nothing but Shame on The New York Times and their kind!”

Source: Yeshiva World

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