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ICHR: Human Rights Violations Continue, Increase in the PA and Gaza

ICHR: Human Rights Violations Continue, Increase in the PA and Gaza

Human rights violations, including death and murder, continued to be practiced by the Palestinian Authority and by the Hamas government in Gaza, this according to as report by the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) presenting a comprehensive overview of the major violations during January, 2014, in the Palestinian controlled areas. The report depicts a general state of anarchy and lawlessness in the PA.

ICHR, an official Palestinian body, seeks to protect and promote human rights in accordance with Palestinian Basic Law and the international principles of human

During January 10 cases of unnatural deaths were registered by ICHR, 7 of which occurred in the Gaza Strip and 3 in the West Bank. These deaths occurred due to misuse of firearms, security mess, and negligence of public safety precautions, clan disputes, manslaughter, vengeful acts and tunnel-related accidents. Also, some incidences of unnatural death occurred under mysterious conditions. On January 24th, Muhammad Juma’ Abu Asi, 23 years old, from Bani Suhiela village in Khan Younis sustained a bullet wound to the shoulder. According to ICHR’s information, while Abu Asi was arguing with the police force that arrived at his home to arrest his brother, a policeman shot him in the left arm. He was rushed to the European Hospital in Khan Younis before landing an in al-Sharqia police cell.

Cases of torture and ill treatment during detention continued. Furthermore, it increased in the centers of the Preventive Security Agency in the West Bank. ICHR received 56 complaints of torture and ill treatment, 36 of which occurred in the Gaza Strip and 19 in the West Bank.

ICHR received complaints of violations of the right to appropriate legal procedures during detention in breach of guarantees to a fair trial. ICHR further received complaints concerning expropriation of citizens’ property by security agencies in the West Bank without judicial order.

ICHR received a number of complaints of violations concerning the right to freedom of expression, press, peaceful assembly and academic freedoms. On January 28, 2014, Palestinian Authority policemen used live ammunition to disperse stone-throwers in the center of Ramallah, according to the report. It also stated that there was no reason for the use of live ammunition during the incident. Four protesters were wounded, the report documented, when policemen attacked them with clubs. It also received a number of complaints concerning assaults on persons, public and private properties.

Some official security and civil authorities still refrain from implementing courts’ decisions or procrastinate with their implementation. ICHR received 8 complaints in this regard in addition to 16 other previous decisions. Furthermore, one of the inmates remained in prison despite completing his sentence.

The report’s findings show that neither the Palestinian Authority nor Hamas respect human rights and freedom of expression in the territories under their control.

Aryeh Savir
Tazpit News Agency
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