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IDF attacks military targets in Syria

Missiles seen over Damascus (File).

IDF fighter jets attacked military targets in Syria belonging to the Iranian Quds Force and the Syrian army overnight Tuesday. The attack damaged warehouses, headquarters and military complexes as well as surface-to-air missile batteries.

IDF’s Spokesperson’s Unit said the attack was in response to the placement of explosives near the border fence with Syria in Israeli territory, by a Syrian squad operating under Iranian guidance.

The IDF said that the discovery of the explosives is further proof of Iran’s long-standing establishment activity in Syria.

“The IDF considers the Syrian regime responsible for any action on its territory and will continue to act as necessary to eradicate the Iranian establishment in Syria, which poses a risk to security stability in the region. The IDF maintains high readiness and readiness for any scenario,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

Earlier, Syrian television reported an Israeli attack around Damascus, with explosions
in the area.

According to reports the Syrian air defense systems went into action following the attack.

The explosives were inside of Israeli territory, in the southern Golan Heights. After the discovery, a team of IDF sappers neutralized the explosive device.

Three months ago, IDF troops foiled an attempt to place a bomb in the same area.

Following that incident, IDF fighter jets and combat helicopters attacked Syrian army targets in southern Syria.

(Arutz 7).

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