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If Labour Party wins control of Parliament, Corbyn vows to stop UK arms to Israel

British Labour Party and Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, May 12, 2017. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Such a move would add to the leader and his party’s clear animosity towards and bias against the Jewish state.

(December 2, 2019 / JNS) British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Sunday that if his party controls Parliament in the United Kingdom following elections on Dec. 12, Israel would no longer receive arms from Great Britain.

Such a move would add to the leader’s and his party’s clear animosity towards and bias against the Jewish state.

“Labour’s new internationalism means we will create a peace and conflict-prevention fund and invest an extra 400 million pounds [$513 million] to expand our diplomatic capacity and increase oversight of arms exports to ensure we’re not fueling conflicts, as in Yemen and in Israel and the Palestinian territories,” he said in a speech outlining his party’s foreign-policy goals.

A recent poll found that 87 percent of British Jews consider Corbyn to be an anti-Semite.

He has been condemned for allowing anti-Semitism to spread under his leadership, and the Labour Party has been called out for its poor handling of anti-Semitic accusations. Many leaders of the British Jewish community, as well as former Labour members, have urged the public not to vote for Corbyn in the upcoming election.

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