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Israel and Poland agree to return ambassadors, improve relations

Polish president Andrzej Duda and Israeli president Reuven Rivlin attend a ceremony in the March of the Living at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp site in Poland, as Israel marks annual Holocaust Memorial Day, on April 12, 2018. "The March of the Living" is an annual educational program that brings students from all over the world to Poland, to learn more and closely about the Holocaust. Photo by Yossi Zeliger/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** àéøåòé îöòã äçééí 2018 éåí äùåàä àåùåéõ áéø÷ðàå ôåìéï áðé ðåòø ðùéà ôåìéï àðãæ'éé ãåãä øåáé øéáìéï ðùéà îãéðú éùøàì

Bilateral ties were severely damaged last year after Warsaw passed law effectively preventing restitution to the heirs of property seized by the Nazis.

 Israeli President Isaac Herzog and his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda agreed on Monday to move towards restoring full bilateral ties, according to a statement released by Herzog’s office.

Relations between the two countries deteriorated sharply last year after the Polish parliament passed legislation effectively prohibiting any future restitution to the heirs of property seized by the Nazis during the World War II.

During Monday’s telephone conversation between the two leaders, Duda appeared to heed Herzog’s call for a return of ambassadors by confirming that Warsaw would appoint a new envoy to Israel soon, according to the statement.

Duda also announced that the new Israeli ambassador-designate to Poland would present his credentials within the next few days.

“Both presidents expressed their hope that any future issues between Poland and Israel will be solved through sincere and open dialogue and in a spirit of mutual respect,” the statement said.

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