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Israel Arrests Cell of Seven ISIS Supporters

Charges were pressed today against seven Israeli-Arab citizens, for planning to attack in Israel and for attempting to join ISIS in Syria.

The seven are Adnan Al a-Din (40), Karim Abu-Salah (22), Hosam Marisat (30), Alaa Abu-Salah (27), Faddi Bashir (29), Khalead Abu-Salah (30) and Muhammad Abu-Salah (27).

All are Arabs from the Galilee region in northern Israel. They were arrested during November and December of 2014, as a result of an investigation led by a joint police and Shin-Bet (Israel’s interior security agency) task force.

ISIS is an illegal organization according to Israeli law and therefore any activity related to the organization is prohibited by law.

The cell was trained in the usage of Molotov cocktail and other makeshift weapons, and the beheading of animals; which were done as preparation for the beheading of infidels as ISIS combatants. In addition, the cell members used the Internet to form a direct connection to ISIS activists in Syria, which also included Israeli citizens who are now ISIS combatants.

The most prominent character within the group was Adnan Al a-Din, a lawyer from Nazareth who used to work as a public defender. A-Din declared himself the official ISIS commander in Palestine, and preached to the carrying out of terror attacks against Jews.

Another group member, Karim Abu-Salah, confessed in his interrogation that he planned to purchase automatic firearms, in order to carry out terror attacks in Israel. His targets included Israel’s security forces and members of the Druze community, especially those with families in Syria.

In addition to planning to carry out terror attacks in Israel, Karim made an attempt to reach Syria and join ISIS. He was arrested at the Ben-Gurion airport last July, when he attempted to fly abroad and join ISIS. When he was arrested, Karim was carrying NIS 40,000 (roughly $10,000), which he intended to give to ISIS.

By Yotam Rozenwald
Tazpit News Agency

Photos credit: Israel Security Agency
Photo : Karim Abu-Salah, ISIS flag in the background
Photos credit: Israel Security Agency
Photo: the suspects
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