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Israel attacks dozens of Iranian Quds, Syrian regime targets

“During the attack, Syrian air missiles were fired, despite a clear warning that was ignored. As a result, several Syrian aerial defense batteries were destroyed.”


A spokesperson for the IDF confirmed early on Wednesday morning that IAF fighter jets performed targeted air strikes against dozens of military targets belonging to the Iranian Quds Force (IRGC) and the Syrian army on Tuesday night in Syria.The targets included air-to-ground missiles, headquarters, warehouses and military bases. “During the attack, Syrian air missiles were fired, despite a clear warning that was ignored. As a result, several Syrian aerial defense batteries were destroyed,” the IDF said.

The attack was carried out in response to rockets which the IDF said were launched by an Iranian force from Syrian territory into Israeli territory in the early hours of Tuesday morning, that despite being intercepted, were intended to hit Israeli territory.

“The Iranian attack on Israeli territory yesterday is further proof of the current Iranian purpose in Syria. Their presence in the region is a danger to Israel’s security, regional stability and to the Syrian regime.”

“The IDF also sees the Syrian regime as responsible for what is happening in its territory, and warns it not to act or allow action against Israel.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement following the attack, saying in it that “I made it clear that whoever harms us – we will harm them.”Read More Related Articles

“That is what we did tonight in Syria against Iranian Quds Force targets and Syrian military targets, after rockets were fired from its territory towards Israel. We will continue to aggressively guard the security of Israel.”According to Syrian news agency Sana, Syrian aerial defense systems were able to intercept some of the missiles before they were able to reach their targets.  Warning of a possible retaliation, the IDF closed their statement by saying that “the IDF is highly prepared for a variety of scenarios and will continue to operate as required for the security of the citizens of the State of Israel. The Home Front Command instructions should be obeyed if required.”

The Quds Force is the overseas arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

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