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Israeli wines win victory over BDS – Golan Heights Wines returned to the shelves in Germany

Israeli wines win victory over BDS

Golan Heights Wines returned to the shelves in Germany


Wines from the Golan Heights Winery were returned to the shelves of German department store KeDeVe this week after their removal. The decision to remove the popular products came following the European Union ruling to require all goods produced outside Israel’s 1967 ‘Green Line’ are to be labeled as such.

The Golan Heights Winery, which includes the Yarden, Gamla, Galil brands, is the premier winery in Israel winning numerous international awards. The German wine establishment has long recognized the quality of GHW wines; most recently awarding the winery three gold medals at the prestigious 2015 Mundus Vini competition held annually in Düsseldorf.

Ms. Anat Levi, CEO of the Golan Heights Winery issued the following statement:

“Wines from the Golan Heights Winery are popular and well-loved in Germany, both by the general public and KaDeWe customers in particular. We were extremely surprised by the decision to remove our wines from the shelves, as reported by the media earlier this week.

We are very pleased to learn that the department store has retracted and apologized for its hasty actions. Golan Heights wines have now been returned to the shelves.  We are happy to see the matter resolved and are grateful to our partners CWD and our loyal German customers for their continued dedication to our wines.”

GHW wines are found at good wine shops and kosher supermarkets in the USA, Canada, Europe and around the world.

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