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Jerusalem one of the major hotspots of coronavirus

Coronavirus Test.

Over 550 cases have been diagnosed in the capital in the past week, most of them in the haredi neighborhoods.

The majority of the cases have been diagnosed in the haredi neighborhoods of the city: Ramot, Kiryat Sanz, Kiryat Belz, Geula, Neve Ya’akov, Mea Shearim, Har Nof, Mekor Baruch and Sanhedria.

The Ministry of Health announced on Saturday night that 599 new cases of coronavirus had been diagnosed since midnight, bringing the total number of active cases to 10,929.

In addition, four more deaths from the virus were recorded, and the death toll is now 330.

84 of the patients are in serious condition and 32 are on respirators, with a total of 12,123 tests having been carried out since midnight.

(Arutz 7).


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