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Jewish leaders call on Twitter to act against Holocaust denial

TWITTER (Illustrative).

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations expresses disappointment after Twitter CEO’s comments on Holocaust denial.

Arthur Stark, Chairman, William Daroff, CEO, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Vice Chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, called on Twitter to act against Holocaust denial after Twitter CEO testified before Congress that the social media giant did not view Holocaust denial as the kind of misinformation which needed to be taken down.

“We denounce the continued inflammatory and hateful statements by the Ayatollah Khamenei on Twitter, which call for Israel’s annihilation and deny the reality of the Holocaust. It is outrageous that Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey dismissed this rhetoric as merely ‘sabre rattling’ – as he did yesterday in Congressional testimony – particularly amidst rising antisemitism around the world,” they said in a statement.

“We are disappointed that Dorsey did not reiterate – or seem aware of – Twitter’s recent announcement banning content that denies or distorts the Holocaust. With the Ayatollah’s malicious tweets deemed permissible, it is painfully obvious that this so-called ban has thus far been nothing more than an empty promise.

“Social media platforms can and should be a force for good, and there can be a balance between freedom of speech and rejection of hate. We call on Twitter to enforce its ban and prevent the dissemination of Jew-hatred,” the Jewish Organizations’ leaders demanded.

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