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Jonathan Pollard gets married in Jerusalem

Nine months after his wife Esther passed away, ex-spy Jonathan Pollard remarries Thursday night in Jerusalem.

Former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard married his fiancé, Rivka Abrahams-Donin, in a ceremony held at the Heichal Ya’akov synagogue in Jerusalem’s Kiryat Moshe neighborhood Thursday evening.

The wedding was conducted by Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, at the synagogue of the late Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, whom Pollard consulted during his imprisonment from the 1980s until Rabbi Eliyahu’s death in 2010.

A limited number of guests, including close family and friends, attended the wedding.

In addition, a number of prominent rabbis and other public figures were in attendance, including Rabbi Micah Halevy, former Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Yona Metzger, Rabbi Yaakov Shapira of Merkaz HaRav, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu, Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, and Samaria Regional Council chief Yossi Dagan.

“It is so inspiring to get married here in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” Pollard said. “I am so excited and I want to thank the whole Jewish people for celebrating with us.”

“I’ve conducted many weddings,” Rabbi Amar said Thursday, “but I cannot remember any time when I was quite as touched as now. All of us, the Jewish people, owe Jonathan so very much, and perhaps one day we will know just how much he sacrificed – not for a single moment only but for decades of travails behind bars.”

Pollard was widowed by the death of his second wife, Esther, in January.

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Source: Arutz 7

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