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Kahana Ousts Rav Who Refuses To Align With Giyur Reform Plan

Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana in front of the Beis Din in Ashkelon.

As Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana draws closer to implementing his giyur reform plan, he announced the ouster of the head of the giyur system after it became apparent that he would not support the reform.

Rav Moshe Weller, who was appointed by Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau three years ago, informed Kahana during a meeting last week that he wouldn’t support Kahana’s giyur plan, in line with Rav Lau’s position that “the goal of the giyur reform is to violate halacha.”

“In a respectful and to-the-point conversation, it became apparent that in light of the Chief Rabbi’s opposition to the giyur plan I’m advancing, HaRav Weller is not the right man to lead the giyur program toward the implementation of the reform,” Kahana wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. “I request that you do not extend his tenure after January 2.”

“The Bennett-Kahana government is dividing Am Yisrael and sowing discord via the giyur plan,” a statement from Mercaz Liba, an organization founded to strengthen the Jewish identity of the state of Israel, said. “The dismissal of the head of the giyur system is a continuation of the dictatorial line of the current government, according to which those who don’t align themselves with the party line – are fired. For the sake of the unity of Am Yisrael – say no to the giyur reform that will divide the Am.”

Source: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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