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Left wing media shocked as soldiers sing religious song

Haaretz journalist says IDF becoming ‘army of G-d and literal Messianic Jews’ after soldiers sing song affirming belief in the Messiah.

At the end of the beret distribution ceremony in the armored corps, IDF soldiers stood up to sing the famous Hebrew song ‘Ani Ma’amin’ (I believe).’ The song, based on one of Maimonides’ Thirteen articles of faith, speaks of the singer’s belief in the coming of the messiah and is extremely popular across the Orthodox Jewish world..

Haaretz journalist Nir Gontarz, who saw a recording of the soldiers’ singing, asked for the IDF’s response to the incident and wrote on his Twitter account: “The IDF is gradually becoming the ‘army of G-d’ of literal Messianic Jews.”

An IDF spokesman said: “A number of soldiers wanted to sing the song. It should be noted that the song is not included in the stage book, however, the Sergeant Major responded to the soldiers’ request to sing the song at the end of the ceremony. No soldier was required to sing the song.”

The Torat Lechima organization said: “The religious and traditional soldiers asked to sing ‘I believe’ at the end of the ceremony, and received permission from the commander. Haaretz newspaper response: Save us, they are Messianic Jews and the army of G-d. When religious people do not enlist, the left shouts ‘equality of burden.’ When they do enlist, the left shouts ‘religionization.; Because the radical left hates nationalism and hates Judaism. In this case, it comes together.”

Source: Arutz Sheva



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