But despite its extraordinary powers, the brain is not indestructible. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, traumatic experiences like car accidents, and even simple neglect can have devastating effects.
Israeli brain tech companies are on the front lines of brain research, with the late Shimon Peres reflecting on the country’s strengths in the field during his tenure as president at the Israel-initiated BrainTechconference in 2013, which brought together Israeli and international scientists and companies to discuss various developments in brain research and tech. It was created based on his vision to lead Israeli and global efforts to help two billion people around the world afflicted with brain diseases.
“We have in Israel right now over a hundred companies that are dealing with the brain, we have brain faculties in every university,” he told 500 attendees at the conference at the time, “This is only the beginning. We are a start-up in the brain.”
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